Sunday, July 15, 2007

angel friends...

I'm so thankful to my Heavenly Father for sending such special friends into my life...and always at just the right moment. I will never forget the impeccability of the Lord's timing when he sent me my angel friend, Rania. I was in the 9th grade, and some of my (so called) friends, started a horrible rumor about me. A rumor that spread like a wildfire throughout the entire school. The rumor was not true, but most my peers chose to believe it; and as a result, I hadn't a single person to call my friend. I was literally at the point of despair, when along came Rania, my sweet angel Ra, who literally brought light, hope, and happiness to my sad and lonely life. Now, let's fast forward about 16 years. I've long since graduated from high school. In fact now I'm married, have a baby, and live in, not just a new home, neighborhood, ward, etc, but an entirely different state. Far away from the place I called home. Away from my family. Away from my friends. New surroundings. New beginning. New everything. Other than the few family members (John's) that live here, I don't know a soul. Besides the normal insecurities I feel by being new, and not knowing very many people, I am also going through a very painful, and difficult trial (tubal pregnancy), and although it's very different from what I experienced in Junior High, the feelings and emotions are still very similar. It was then that Heavenly Father sent me my Angel friend, Amber. Having experienced similar trials in her own life, she knew just what to do to lift my spirits. That was the beginning of a very wonderful friendship, which I credit to a loving Heavenly Father, who knows us, knows our needs, and sends others (Angel Friends), to help us along the way. I know that my friends were inspired to help me, and I'm glad that the Lord, in his mercy, allowed them to come into my life...

Last night Amber and Dallas invited us to go out to dinner with them. Amber and I have been friends for months now, and haven't (until last night) gone out with the husbands. It was their anniversary, and they had a $100 gift certificate to The Capital Grille. Very fancy, I must say. The food was delicious. The service was superb. The restaurant exuded a calm, delightful ambiance. The conservation was enjoyable. The night was perfect.
They insisted on splitting the gift card with us, even though it would have pretty much covered their own bill. That just shows you the type of people that they are - very giving, generous, unselfish... We had a great time, talking, laughing, getting to know one another better, and enjoying each other's company. I'm so, so thankful for friends, and for last night, and for the Turleys, who truly are two of the greatest friends you could ask for.


  1. You are also my angel friend! How grateful I was when you came home from your mission. Your friendship was exactly what I needed to get me through my whopper of a trial! That,latin dancin', and sparkly accessories!

  2. I am also thankful for your angel friends. You certainly deserve them, as you are such a kind friend to others.

  3. What a sweet tribute to your special friends. You and Amber look so similiar (and beautiful) you could be sisters.

  4. I know! I'm so proud of the shorts, and I think of you everytime that I wear them...which is everyday! I look forward to your daily blog. I don't update as often, so I love reading everyone else's updates.

  5. Nicole,
    You are so sweet - I love you. I am so grateful for our friendship as well. Dallas and I had so much fun with you and John. We have made some fun memories together and I look forward to many more through the years.

  6. jr. high can be a rough couple years for youth... i worry about that with ava all the time.

    what a sweet post. you and amber are both sweet girls, i'm sure your friendship is the same!

  7. So cool. Good friends like that are hard to come by. I actually LOVE the name Rania! Doesn't it mean "Queen" in Hindi or something? I saw Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan on Oprah once and was so impressed with her commitment to family and social issues, I just fell in love with the name right then and there. I'm not sure if we'll actually use the name for a child someday. Your friend is the only other Rania I've ever heard of!

  8. What a wonderful post! I agree, true friends are angels from heaven. I too have had some unforgettable angels in my life. You are so sweet to acknowledge your lovely friends.
