Saturday, June 9, 2007

our miracle...

When I woke up this morning, my heart was filled to overflowing with gratitude for the special gift Heavenly Father blessed us with just one year ago...our little miracle, our little Ruby Christine. It's hard to believe that it's already been a year, but it's also hard to believe that it's only been a year. What an amazing journey it's been, and what a privelege to be Ruby's Mother.
Happy Birthday to our clever, hysterical, blissful, jubilant, playful, complaisant, audacious, cheerful, beauteous, year old, Ruby Christine!

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Ruby Girl!


  1. What a doll! We love you Ruby!

  2. Okay Nicole this is Michelle, Heidi C. older sis. I met you at her baby shower, that little princess was still in your belly. I was reading Heidi's blog and happened to click on your name. I just watched your video. you made me cry. My sweet baby girl will be 4mths on wed. My how time flys enjoy every second, they truley are angels from heaven. Happy Birthday Ruby you are a Beautiful!!!!!!!!!

  3. What a sweet video Nicole! Great job, I can't believe she in one! Thanks for the fun party! We love you guys!

  4. So cute Nicole! Thank you for tonight. we had such a fun time. Happy Happy Birthday Ruby!!! We love you!

  5. She is so precious. I know exactly what you mean about feeling like the time has passed fast but at the same time not being able to imagine life without your precious little one. I can't believe that George is nearly two. It is hard for me to imagine life before him. I just feel like I have this weird connection with him where I have known him forever. I guess from a spiritual perspective I have. I have a different connection with Charlie (just as special but different). Any way, happy birthday little Ruby. She is such a sweetheart and so very smart!

  6. What a beautiful video of my precious Ruby. I hope someday she will understand what a treasure she is. I love you Ruby.

  7. She is so beautiful, How fun, I hate how fast they grow up. But you know I love each day they learn something new. What in the world would we do with out our little angels?

  8. Ouch! This makes my heart ache...She's too precious for words! I love you, Ruby!!!

  9. Holy cow this girl is precious! She definitely has a lot of love (and two of the nicest people for parents). This makes me want to me a mommy soooooo bad! (I just need to find the guy!)

    Bless you all!
