Wednesday, May 16, 2007

new words...

It seems every time I go to Utah, Ruby always learns something new, or has a new development of some sort. When I was in town around Halloween, she rolled over for the very first time. Over Christmas, she cut her first two teeth (believe it or not, now she has 12). This last trip (at the beginning of this month), she learned how to blow kisses, which grandpa Pitts taught her, to play peek a boo with grandma Judy (both of which she has remembered, and still does), and last, but certainly not least, she began saying "thank you". Thanks to my brother-in-law, Christian, I have proof of the latter...

PLease, I know I'm totally annoying in this video, (and so is Ruby's whining), but just look beyond the petulance, and take it for what it 11 month old baby (to the day), practicing her manners...well, sort of.

It's kind of long, but just be patient. My favorite is about one minute into it (has me rolling every time)...


  1. Bennett and I were laughing so hard. That was so funny!

  2. I swear Gretta learns something new each time we go to Utah too! Weird. That video is so funny, I love it!

  3. That is the cutest and funniest video. I just have to keep watching it. I love the way she quickly says,"Thank you."

  4. LOL. Nicole, I just can't get over her. She is darling. Ruby really could be one of my girls. She reminds me so much of Daphne and Scarlet. Amy and I talk about how beautiful she is all the time. I love the kiss at the end. What a sweet baby.

  5. That is so cute, she is so good, Ty can't say thank you just yet, but today in the Car he was saying Aloha! Which had me laughing really hard.
    I love seeing your blog, and thanks for always leaving comments on mine!
    I love how she says thank you so fast, even when you take it away from her! Kids, arent they just amazing!
