Tuesday, March 27, 2007

lentes nuevos...

ha ha...I look like a deer in the headlights!

Yep, that's right...I finally broke down and got a new pair of glasses. I tell ya, I was in desperate need. Just have not wanted to spend that kind of money on a new pair...especially since I only wear them at night, (after the contacts come out). I've had my old pair since right before my mission (so I guess that makes them like 8 years old). Those poor frames couldn't take much more epoxy, and the left lens went missing about a month ago! Oh yeah...it was time! Sorry Matt, I guess we can't be twinners anymore. (We got matching frames just before we entered the MTC in '99...dang, I wish I had a picture of that!)


  1. Nicole's lentes es muey bonito. Yo amo usted.

  2. Looks great! (Remember my old black ones?)
