Saturday, March 17, 2007

a bit o' the irish...

My mom was seriously the cutest mom ever when it came to celebrating the holidays. Whether is was Christmas or just weird ol' St. Patty's Day...she went all out!
Every year on St. Patrick's Day, she started off by making us green pancakes or french toast, with a glass of either green juice or milk (that she had added green food coloring to). Then, she sent us off to school with the most creative lunches imaginable. A sandwich made with bright green bread (a little embarrassing to eat), green apples, usually some broccoli and celery, and some kind of treat, and drink, in green packaging. That was her tradition, and we loved it.

These fun and unique customs did not end with her passing, because (in an effort to keep her memory alive for all of us kids), my dad continued to carry them out...and still does to this day. (Even when I was on my mission, I got a St. Patty's Day package from him, that included every conceivable green treat.) I wish I was there to see what he did for the family this year! (What did you do dad?)

Well in honor of my mom (and dad), I decided to carry on the crazy tradition by putting, just a drop or two, of green food coloring into Ruby's bottle. The fact that it was a different color didn't even faze her, as she chugged it down in record time...

O' Ruby enjoying her St. Patrick's Day treat

The O'Eagleston Family enjoying a St. Patrick's Day lunch at Chili's

PS. Dad, I want to make "White Irishman" tonight...will you share your secret?


  1. Your mom sounds so cute. I really want to be a fun mom like that.

  2. There was no green food this year, as we were in St. George for Erica's dance competition; but we had a traditional Irish dinner last Sunday - roasted corned beef with cabbage and potatoes...and, White Irishmen.

    [I know this is late, but White Irishmen are made by using the same recipe we all know for Orange Julius, but substituting frozen limeade concentrate for the orange juice. But, in case someone doesn't know how to make Orange Julius, the recipe for White Irishmen is as follows: put equal amounts of frozen limeade concentrate, milk, and water in a blender with enough ice to make the mixture thick. Blend until smooth. That's it. Enjoy!

  3. I was just talking to Dorth about this...I remember this one time I opened a small tupperware mom had included in the lunch to find warm milk she had dyed green. I was really embarrassed, so I gulped it down, and almost gagged because it was so warm. Hilarious.

  4. Man I sure do miss our mom. She was amazing! I didn't get very many of these lunches, but I do remember when I was in 1st grade and she packed my lunch full with green treats like a pack of green ninja turtle pez and some green spearament gum. I was a little disappointed with this years St. Patty's because I was home alone because everyone was in st. george and I was stuck at home because I couldn't miss a choir performance. But... I did have a sleepover with Beth and at midnight we made green pancakes and eggs! It was great! :) I think that is so sweet that you dyed Ruby's milk green. I'm glad to see that your keeping the traditions of our wonderful mom alive.
