Monday, March 5, 2007

17 things about angie...

My little sister Angie turns 17 today! I said it in my last post, and I'll say it again...I can't believe how the time flies. I can remember when she was just a year or two, and always wanted me to hold her. We had such a close relationship then, and thankfully, we still do today. I love you Angela, and wish you the best 17th birthday ever!

  1. she is the 2nd to youngest of 7 children
  2. she is super smart, and has always excelled in school
  3. she is the junior class historian
  4. she has a ton of friends (now when I say a ton, I mean a ton!)
  5. she loves cream slushes from Sonic
  6. she is very sensitive to the feelings of others, and always looks out for their needs
  7. some of her favorite shows are 24, lost, and the office
  8. she plays the piano, dances, sings, is a talented writer, oh...and will be running a half marathon next month!
  9. her 1st job was cleaning the elementary school...(which she still does).
  10. last summer she also worked at boondocks
  11. she sings in the concert choir and has a beautiful, angelic voice
  12. she has many spiritual gifts
  13. she has big beautiful eyes, and a great smile
  14. i have yet to see a baby as cute as she was
  15. she is so much fun to be around...and to laugh with
  16. she was only 7 when she lost her mom to breast cancer...a few months later she was baptized.
  17. she is very goal oriented...and never quits without giving something a fair shot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well said! Angie is special!